Source code for at.lattice.lattice_object

"""Lattice object

The methods implemented in this module are internal to the 'lattice' package.
This is necessary to ensure that the 'lattice' package is independent of other
AT packages.

Other Lattice methods are implemented in other AT packages and are available
as soon as the package is imported. The 'tracking' and 'physics' packages are
automatically imported.

As an example, see the at.physics.orbit module

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import sys
import copy
import math

if sys.version_info.minor < 9:
    from typing import Callable, Iterable, Generator

    SupportsIndex = int
    from typing import SupportsIndex
    from import Callable, Iterable, Generator
import warnings

import numpy as np

from . import elements as elt
from .elements import Element
from .particle_object import Particle
from .utils import AtError, AtWarning, Refpts
from .utils import get_s_pos, get_elements, get_value_refpts, set_value_refpts

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from .utils import get_uint32_index, get_bool_index, _refcount, Uint32Refpts
from .utils import refpts_iterator, checktype, set_shift, set_tilt, get_geometry
from ..constants import clight, e_mass

_TWO_PI_ERROR = 1.0e-4
Filter = Callable[..., Iterable[Element]]

    False: (
        ("cavity_pass", elt.RFCavity, "auto"),
        ("dipole_pass", elt.Dipole, "auto"),
        ("quadrupole_pass", elt.Quadrupole, "auto"),
        ("wiggler_pass", elt.Wiggler, "auto"),
        ("sextupole_pass", elt.Sextupole, "auto"),
        ("octupole_pass", elt.Octupole, "auto"),
        ("multipole_pass", elt.Multipole, "auto"),
        ("collective_pass", elt.Collective, "auto"),
        ("diffusion_pass", elt.QuantumDiffusion, "auto"),
        ("energyloss_pass", elt.EnergyLoss, "auto"),
        ("simplequantdiff_pass", elt.SimpleQuantDiff, "auto"),
        ("simpleradiation_pass", elt.SimpleRadiation, "auto"),
    True: (
        ("cavity_pass", elt.RFCavity, "auto"),
        ("dipole_pass", elt.Dipole, "auto"),
        ("quadrupole_pass", elt.Quadrupole, "auto"),
        ("wiggler_pass", elt.Wiggler, "auto"),
        ("sextupole_pass", elt.Sextupole, None),
        ("octupole_pass", elt.Octupole, None),
        ("multipole_pass", elt.Multipole, None),
        ("collective_pass", elt.Collective, "auto"),
        ("diffusion_pass", elt.QuantumDiffusion, "auto"),
        ("energyloss_pass", elt.EnergyLoss, "auto"),
        ("simplequantdiff_pass", elt.SimpleQuantDiff, "auto"),
        ("simpleradiation_pass", elt.SimpleRadiation, "auto"),

# Don't warn on floating-point errors
np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=AtWarning, module=__name__)

# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs] class Lattice(list): """Lattice object. An AT lattice is a sequence of AT elements. In addition to :py:class:`list` methods, :py:class:`Lattice` supports `extended indexing <>`_ as a numpy :py:obj:`~numpy.ndarray`. """ # Attributes displayed: _disp_attributes = ( "name", "energy", "particle", "periodicity", "harmonic_number", "beam_current", "nbunch", ) # excluded attributes _excluded_attributes = ("nbunch",) # Attributes propagated in copies: _std_attributes = ( "name", "_energy", "_particle", "periodicity", "_cell_harmnumber", "_radiation", "_beam_current", "_fillpattern", ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __init__(self, *args, iterator: Filter = None, scan: bool = False, **kwargs): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Lattice(elements: Iterable[Element], **params) Lattice(filter, [filter, ...,] iterator=iter, **params) Parameters: elements: iterable of Element objects. iter: function called as :pycode:`iter(params, *args)`. It must return an iterable of :py:class:`.Element` objects for building the lattice. It must also fill the *params* dictionary providing the Lattice attributes. params: dictionary of lattice parameters. A custom iterator may add, remove or modify parameters. Finally, the remaining parameters will be set as Lattice attributes. Keyword Arguments: name (str): Name of the lattice, Default: "". energy (float): Energy of the beam. periodicity (int): Number of periods. Default: 1. If <= 0, it will be deduced from the sum of bending angles. particle (Particle | str): circulating particle. May be "relativistic", "electron", "positron", "proton", "antiproton", "posmuon", "negmuon" or a Particle object. Default: "relativistic". iterator: custom iterator (see below). Default :py:obj:`None`. *: all other keywords will be set as attributes of the Lattice object. beam_current: Total current in the beam, used for collective effects [A]. An iterator ``it`` is called as :pycode:`it(params, *args)` where ``args`` and ``params`` are the arguments of the ``Lattice`` constructor. It must yield the AT ``Elements`` for building the lattice. It must also fill its ``params`` dictionary argument, which will be used to set the ``Lattice`` attributes. An iterator can be: - a "generator" which yields elements from scratch. Examples: a list, or a file iterator, - a "filter" which runs through an input iterator, processes each element, possibly adds parameters to the params dictionary and yields the processed elements. .. Note:: To reduce the inter-package dependencies, some methods of the lattice object are defined in other AT packages, in the module where the underlying function is implemented. .. Note:: It is possible to define a filling pattern for the beam using the function :pycode:`ring.set_fillingpattern()`. The default configuration (no arguments) is for single bunch and is the one loaded at lattice initialization. See function help for details. Changing ``Lattice.harmonic_number`` will reset the filling pattern to its default configuration. The beam current can be changed with :pycode:`Lattice.beam_current = current` The filling pattern and beam current are used by collective effects passmethods. Examples: Chaining iterators (taken from ``load_mat``): >>> ring = Lattice(ringparam_filter, matfile_generator, filename, iterator=params_filter, **params) ``matfile_generator(params, filename)`` opens filename and generates AT elements for each cell of the Matlab cell array representing the lattice, ``ringparam_filter(params, matfile_generator, *args)`` runs through ``matfile_generator(params, *args)``, looks for RingParam elements, fills params with their information and discards them, ``params_filter(params, ringparam_filter, *args)`` runs through ``ringparam_filter(params, *args)``, looks for energy and periodicity if not yet defined. """ if iterator is None: (arg1,) = args or [[]] # accept 0 or 1 argument if isinstance(arg1, Lattice): elems = lattice_filter(kwargs, arg1) else: elems = params_filter(kwargs, type_filter, arg1) else: elems = iterator(kwargs, *args) super().__init__(elems) # removing excluded attributes for attr in self._excluded_attributes: kwargs.pop(attr, None) # set default values kwargs.setdefault("name", "") periodicity = kwargs.setdefault("periodicity", 1) kwargs.setdefault("particle", kwargs.pop("_particle", Particle())) kwargs.setdefault("beam_current", kwargs.pop("_beam_current", 0.0)) # dummy initialization in case the harmonic number is not there kwargs.setdefault("_fillpattern", np.ones(1)) # Remove temporary keywords frequency: float | None = kwargs.pop("_frequency", None) cell_length: float | None = kwargs.pop("_length", None) cell_h = kwargs.pop("cell_harmnumber", kwargs.pop("_cell_harmnumber", math.nan)) ring_h = kwargs.pop("harmonic_number", cell_h * periodicity) energy = kwargs.setdefault("energy", kwargs.pop("_energy", None)) if energy is None: raise AtError("Lattice energy is not defined") # set attributes self.update(kwargs) # Setting the harmonic number is delayed to have self.beta available if not (frequency is None or frequency == 0.0): rev = self.beta * clight / cell_length self._cell_harmnumber = int(round(frequency / rev)) try: fp = kwargs.pop("_fillpattern", np.ones(1)) self.set_fillpattern(bunches=fp) except AssertionError: self.set_fillpattern() elif not ((ring_h is None) or math.isnan(ring_h)): self._cell_harmnumber = ring_h / periodicity def __getitem__(self, key): try: # Integer return super().__getitem__(key.__index__()) except (AttributeError, TypeError): if isinstance(key, slice): # Slice rg = range(*key.indices(len(self))) else: # Array of integers or boolean rg = get_uint32_index(self, key, endpoint=False) return Lattice( elem_generator, (super(Lattice, self).__getitem__(i) for i in rg), iterator=self.attrs_filter, ) def __setitem__(self, key, values): try: # Integer or slice super().__setitem__(key, values) except TypeError: # Array of integers or boolean rg = get_uint32_index(self, key, endpoint=False) for i, v in zip(*np.broadcast_arrays(rg, values)): super().__setitem__(i, v) def __delitem__(self, key): try: # Integer or slice super().__delitem__(key) except TypeError: # Array of integers or boolean rg = get_uint32_index(self, key, endpoint=False) for i in reversed(rg): super().__delitem__(i) def __repr__(self): ks = ", ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self.attrs.items()) return f"Lattice({super().__repr__()}, {ks})" def __str__(self): ks = ", ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self.attrs.items()) return f"Lattice(<{len(self)} elements>, {ks})" def __add__(self, elems): """Add elems, an iterable of AT elements, to the lattice""" return self.concatenate(elems, copy=True) def __iadd__(self, elems): self.concatenate(elems, copy=False) return self def __mul__(self, n): return self.repeat(n) def _addition_filter(self, elems: Iterable[Element], copy_elements=False): cavities = [] length = 0.0 params = {} for elem in type_filter(params, elems): if isinstance(elem, elt.RFCavity): cavities.append(elem) elem.Energy = self._energy elif elem.PassMethod.endswith("RadPass"): elem.Energy = self._energy elif hasattr(elem, "Energy"): del elem.Energy elif hasattr(elem, "_turnhistory"): elem.clear_history(self) length += getattr(elem, "Length", 0.0) if copy_elements: yield elem.deepcopy() else: yield elem if cavities and not hasattr(self, "_cell_harmnumber"): cavities.sort(key=lambda el: el.Frequency) try: self._cell_harmnumber = cavities[0].HarmNumber except AttributeError: length += self.get_s_pos(len(self))[0] rev = self.beta * clight / length frequency = cavities[0].Frequency self._cell_harmnumber = int(round(frequency / rev)) self._radiation |= params.pop("_radiation")
[docs] def insert(self, idx: SupportsIndex, elem: Element, copy_elements=False): r"""This method allow to insert an AT element in the lattice. Parameters: idx (SupportsIndex): index at which the lement is inserted elem (Element): AT element to be inserted in the lattice copy_elements(bool): Default :py:obj:`True`. If :py:obj:`True` a deep copy of elem is used. """ # scan the new element to update it elist = list( # noqa: F841 self._addition_filter([elem], copy_elements=copy_elements) ) super().insert(idx, elem)
[docs] def extend(self, elems: Iterable[Element], copy_elements=False): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences r"""This method adds all the elements of `elems` to the end of the lattice. The behavior is the same as for a :py:obj:`list` Equivalent syntaxes: >>> ring.extend(elems) >>> ring += elems Parameters: elems (Iterable[Element]): Sequence of AT elements to be appended to the lattice copy_elements(bool): Default :py:obj:`True`. If :py:obj:`True` deep copies of each element of elems are used """ if hasattr(self, "_energy"): # When unpickling a Lattice, extend is called before the lattice # is initialized. So skip this. elems = self._addition_filter(elems, copy_elements=copy_elements) super().extend(elems)
[docs] def append(self, elem: Element, copy_elements=False): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences r"""This method overwrites the inherited method :py:meth:`list.append()`, its behavior is changed, it accepts only AT lattice elements :py:obj:`Element` as input argument. Equivalent syntaxes: >>> ring.append(elem) >>> ring += [elem] Parameters: elem (Element): AT element to be appended to the lattice copy_elements(bool): Default :py:obj:`True`. If :py:obj:`True` a deep copy of elem is used """ self.extend([elem], copy_elements=copy_elements)
[docs] def repeat(self, n: int, copy_elements: bool = True): # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection,PyUnresolvedReferences,PyRedeclaration r"""This method allows to repeat the lattice `n` times. If `n` does not divide `ring.periodicity`, the new ring periodicity is set to 1, otherwise it is set to `ring.periodicity /= n`. Equivalent syntaxes: >>> newring = ring.repeat(n) >>> newring = ring * n Parameters: n : number of repetitions copy_elements: If :py:obj:`True`, deep copies of the lattice are used for the repetition. Otherwise, the original elements are repeated in the developed lattice. Returns: newring (Lattice): the new repeated lattice """ def copy_fun(elem, copy): if copy: return elem.deepcopy() else: return elem periodicity = self.periodicity if n != 0 and periodicity > 1: nbp = periodicity / n periodicity = int(round(nbp)) if abs(periodicity - nbp) > _TWO_PI_ERROR: warnings.warn( AtWarning( f"Non-integer number of cells: {self.periodicity}/{n}." " Periodicity set to 1" ), stacklevel=1, ) periodicity = 1 hdict = {"periodicity": periodicity} try: hdict.update(harmonic_number=self.cell_harmnumber * n * periodicity) except AttributeError: pass elems = (copy_fun(el, copy_elements) for _ in range(n) for el in self) return Lattice(elem_generator, elems, iterator=self.attrs_filter, **hdict)
[docs] def concatenate( self, *lattices: Iterable[Element], copy_elements=False, copy=False ): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,SpellCheckingInspection,PyRedeclaration """Concatenate several `Iterable[Element]` with the lattice Equivalent syntaxes: >>> newring = ring.concatenate(r1, r2, r3, copy=True) >>> newring = ring + r1 + r2 + r3 >>> ring.concatenate(r1, copy=False) >>> ring += r1 Parameters: lattices: :py:obj:`Iterables[Element]` to be concatenanted to the Lattice, several lattices are allowed (see example) copy_elements(bool): Default :py:obj:`False`. If :py:obj:`True` deepcopies of the elements of lattices are used copy(bool): Default :py:obj:`False`. If :py:obj:`True` the lattice is modified in place. Oterwise a new Lattice object is returned Returns: lattice(Lattice): concatenated Lattice, if `copy==True` the new lattice object is returned otherwise None """ if copy: lattice = Lattice(self) else: lattice = self for lat in lattices: lattice.extend(lat, copy_elements=copy_elements) return lattice if copy else None
[docs] def reverse(self, copy=False): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences r"""Reverse the order of the lattice and swapt the faces of elements. Alignment errors are not swapped Parameters: copy(bool): Default :py:obj:`False`. If :py:obj:`True` the lattice is modified in place. Oterwise a new Lattice object is returned Returns: lattice(Lattice): reversed Lattice, if `copy==True` the new lattice object is returned otherwise None Example: >>> newring = ring.reverse(copy=True) """ elems = (el.swap_faces(copy=True) for el in reversed(self)) if copy: return Lattice(elem_generator, elems, iterator=self.attrs_filter) else: reversed_list = list(elems) self[:] = reversed_list
[docs] def develop(self, copy_elements: bool = True) -> Lattice: """Develop a periodical lattice by repeating its elements *self.periodicity* times Parameters: copy_elements: If :py:obj:`True`, deep copies of the elements are used for the repetition. Otherwise, the original elements are repeated in the developed lattice. Returns: newlattice: The developed lattice """ return self.repeat(self.periodicity, copy_elements=copy_elements)
@property def attrs(self) -> dict: """Dictionary of lattice attributes""" def extattr(d): for k in self._disp_attributes: d.pop(k, None) yield k, getattr(self, k, None) vrs = vars(self).copy() # Standard attributes res = {k: v for k, v in extattr(vrs) if v is not None} # Custom attributes res.update((k, v) for k, v in vrs.items() if not k.startswith("_")) return res
[docs] def rotate(self, n: int) -> Lattice: """Return a new lattice rotated left by n elements""" if len(self) == 0: return self.copy() n = n % len(self) # works for n<0 return self[n:] + self[:n]
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ update(**kwargs) update(mapping, **kwargs) update(iterable, **kwargs) Update the lattice attributes with the given values """ attrs = dict(*args, **kwargs) for key, value in attrs.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def copy(self) -> Lattice: """Returns a shallow copy of the lattice""" return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def deepcopy(self) -> Lattice: """Returns a deep copy of the lattice""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def slice_elements(self, refpts: Refpts, slices: int = 1) -> Lattice: """Create a new lattice by slicing the elements at refpts Parameters: refpts: Element selector slices: Number of slices in the specified range. Ignored if size is specified. Default: no slicing Returns: newring: New Lattice object """ def slice_generator(_): check = get_bool_index(self, refpts) for el, ok in zip(self, check): if ok and (slices > 1): frac = np.ones(slices) / slices yield from el.divide(frac) else: yield el return Lattice(slice_generator, iterator=self.attrs_filter)
[docs] def slice(self, size: float | None = None, slices: int | None = 1) -> Lattice: """Create a new lattice by slicing the range of interest into small elements Keyword arguments: size=None: Length of a slice. Default: computed from the range and number of points: ``size = (s_max-s_min)/slices``. slices=1: Number of slices in the specified range. Ignored if size is specified. Default: no slicing Returns: newring: New Lattice object """ def slice_generator(_, ibeg, iend): yield from self[:ibeg] for elem in self[ibeg:iend]: nslices = int(math.ceil(elem.Length / size)) if nslices > 1: frac = np.ones(nslices) / nslices yield from elem.divide(frac) else: yield elem yield from self[iend:] s_range = self.s_range if size is None: smin, smax = s_range size = (smax - smin) / slices i_range = self.i_range return Lattice( slice_generator, i_range[0], i_range[-1], iterator=self.attrs_filter, s_range=s_range, )
[docs] def attrs_filter( self, params: dict, elem_filter: Filter, *args ) -> Iterable[Element]: """Filter function which duplicates the lattice attributes Parameters: params: Dictionary of Lattice attributes elem_filter: Element filter *args: Arguments provided to *elem_filter* """ for key in self._std_attributes: try: params.setdefault(key, getattr(self, key)) except AttributeError: pass return elem_filter(params, *args)
@property def s_range(self) -> None | tuple[float, float]: """Range of interest: (s_min, s_max). :py:obj:`None` means the full cell.""" try: return self._s_range except AttributeError: self.s_range = None return self._s_range # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit @s_range.setter def s_range(self, value: tuple[float, float] | None): spos = self.get_s_pos(range(len(self) + 1)) if value is None: value = (0.0, spos[-1]) ok = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_and(spos > value[0], spos < value[1])) if len(ok) > 0: i1 = max(ok[0] - 1, 0) i2 = min(ok[-1] + 1, len(self)) self._i_range = range(i1, i2 + 1) else: self._i_range = range(0, 0) self._s_range = value @property def i_range(self) -> Uint32Refpts: """Range of elements inside the range of interest""" try: i_range = self._i_range except AttributeError: self.s_range = None i_range = self._i_range return get_uint32_index(self, i_range) @property def energy(self) -> float: """Lattice energy""" return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energy: float): # Set the Energy attribute of radiating elements for elem in self: if isinstance( elem, (elt.RFCavity, elt.Wiggler) ) or elem.PassMethod.endswith("RadPass"): elem.Energy = energy # Set the energy attribute of the Lattice # Use a numpy scalar to allow division by zero # self._energy = np.array(energy, dtype=float) self._energy = energy @property def cell_length(self) -> float: """Cell length (1 cell) [m] See Also: :py:meth:`circumference`. """ return self.get_s_pos(len(self))[0] @property def cell_revolution_frequency(self) -> float: """Revolution frequency for 1 cell [Hz] See Also: :py:meth:`revolution_frequency`. """ beta = self.beta return beta * clight / self.cell_length @property def cell_harmnumber(self) -> float: """Harmonic number per cell See Also: :py:meth:`harmonic_number`. """ try: return self._cell_harmnumber except AttributeError as exc: raise AttributeError( "harmonic_number undefined: No cavity found in the lattice" ) from exc @property def circumference(self) -> float: """Ring circumference (full ring) [m] See Also: :py:meth:`cell_length`. """ return self.periodicity * self.get_s_pos(len(self))[0] @property def revolution_frequency(self) -> float: """Revolution frequency (full ring) [Hz] See Also: :py:meth:`cell_revolution_frequency`. """ beta = self.beta return beta * clight / self.circumference @property def particle(self) -> Particle: """Circulating particle""" return self._particle @particle.setter def particle(self, particle: str | Particle): if isinstance(particle, Particle): self._particle = particle else: self._particle = Particle(particle)
[docs] def set_wake_turnhistory(self): """Function to reset the shape of the turn history in collective elements based on the number of slices, turns and bunches """ for e in self: if e.is_collective: e.clear_history(ring=self)
[docs] def set_fillpattern(self, bunches: int | np.ndarray = 1): """Function to generate the filling pattern lof the ring. The filling pattern is computed as: ``bunches/numpy.sum(bunches)`` This function also generates the bunch spatial distribution accessible with ``Lattice.bunch_spos`` Keyword Arguments: bunches: integer or array of positive double or bool to define the bunch distribution. For scalar input, equidistant bunches are assumed. ``ring.harmonic_number`` has to be a multiple of ``bunches``. For array input the condition ``len(bunches)==ring.harmonic_number`` is required. (default=1, single bunch configuration). """ if isinstance(bunches, int): if self.harmonic_number % bunches == 0: fp = np.zeros(self.harmonic_number) fp[:: int(self.harmonic_number / bunches)] = 1 else: raise AtError( "Harmonic number has to be a multiple of the scalar input bunches" ) elif np.isscalar(bunches): raise AtError("Scalar input for bunches must be an integer") else: bunches = bunches.astype(dtype=float, casting="safe", copy=False) assert ( len(bunches) == self.harmonic_number ), f"bunches array input has to be of shape ({self.harmonic_number},)" assert np.all( bunches >= 0.0 ), "bunches array can contain only positive numbers" fp = bunches self._fillpattern = fp / np.sum(fp) self.set_wake_turnhistory()
@property def fillpattern(self) -> np.ndarray: """Filling pattern describing the bunch relative amplitudes such that ``sum(fillpattern)=1`` """ return self._fillpattern @fillpattern.setter def fillpattern(self, value): """Filling pattern describing the bunch relative amplitudes such that ``sum(fillpattern)=1``. Calls the function ``Lattice.set_fillpattern``. """ self.set_fillpattern(value) @property def bunch_list(self) -> np.ndarray: """Indices of filled bunches""" return np.flatnonzero(self._fillpattern)
[docs] def get_beam_current(self): return self._beam_current
[docs] def set_beam_current(self, value, clear_history=True): self._beam_current = value if clear_history: self.set_wake_turnhistory()
beam_current = property(get_beam_current, set_beam_current) @property def bunch_currents(self) -> np.ndarray: """Bunch currents [A]""" return self.beam_current * self._fillpattern[self._fillpattern > 0] @property def bunch_spos(self) -> np.ndarray: """Bunch position around the ring [m]""" try: circ = self.beta * clight * self.harmonic_number / self.rf_frequency except AtError: circ = self.circumference bs = circ / len(self._fillpattern) allpos = bs * np.arange(len(self._fillpattern)) return allpos[self._fillpattern > 0] @property def nbunch(self) -> int: """Number of bunches""" return np.count_nonzero(self._fillpattern) @property def harmonic_number(self) -> int: """Ring harmonic number (full ring) See Also: :py:meth:`cell_harmnumber`. """ try: return int(self.periodicity * self._cell_harmnumber) except AttributeError as exc: raise AttributeError( "harmonic_number undefined: " "No cavity found in the lattice" ) from exc @harmonic_number.setter def harmonic_number(self, value): cell_h = float(value) / self.periodicity # check on ring if value - round(value) != 0: raise AtError(f"harmonic number ({value}) must be integer") # check on cell # if cell_h-round(cell_h) != 0: # raise AtError('harmonic number ({}) must be a multiple of {}' # .format(value, int(self.periodicity))) self._cell_harmnumber = cell_h if len(self._fillpattern) != value: warnings.warn( AtWarning( "Harmonic number changed, resetting fillpattern to " "default (single bunch)." ), stacklevel=1, ) self.set_fillpattern() @property def gamma(self) -> float: r"""Relativistic :math:`\gamma` of the particles""" rest_energy = self.particle.rest_energy if rest_energy == 0.0: rest_energy = e_mass return float( / rest_energy) @property def beta(self) -> float: r"""Relativistic :math:`\beta` of the particles""" rest_energy = self.particle.rest_energy if rest_energy == 0.0: return 1.0 else: gamma = float( / rest_energy) return math.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / gamma / gamma) # noinspection PyPep8Naming @property def BRho(self) -> float: """Magnetic rigidity [T.m]""" rest_energy = self.particle.rest_energy if rest_energy == 0.0: rest_energy = e_mass return math.sqrt(**2 - rest_energy**2) / clight @property def is_6d(self) -> bool: """True if at least one element modifies the beam momentum See Also: :py:meth:`enable_6d`, :py:meth:`disable_6d`. """ try: return self._radiation except AttributeError: radiate = False for elem in self: if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True break # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self._radiation = radiate return radiate @property def is_collective(self) -> bool: """:py:obj:`True` if any element involves collective effects""" for elem in self: if elem.is_collective: return True return False @property def has_cavity(self) -> bool: """:py:obj:`True` if the lattice contains an active :py:class:`RFCavity` """ for elem in self: if elem.PassMethod.endswith("CavityPass"): return True return False # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def modify_elements( self, elem_modify: Callable, copy: bool | None = True, **kwargs ): """Modify selected elements, in-place or in a lattice copy Parameters: elem_modify : element selection function. If ``elem_modify(elem)`` returns :py:obj:`None`, the element is unchanged. Otherwise, ``elem_modify(elem)`` must return a dictionary of attribute name and values, to be set to elem. copy: If True, return a shallow copy of the lattice. Only the modified elements are copied. If False, the modification is done in-place Returns: newring: New lattice if copy is :py:obj:`True`, :py:obj:`None` if copy is :py:obj:`False` Keyword Arguments: """ def lattice_modify(**kws): """Modifies the Lattice with elements modified by elem_modify""" radiate = False for elem in self: attrs = elem_modify(elem) if attrs is not None: elem.update(attrs) if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True self._radiation = radiate self.update(kws) def lattice_copy(params): """Custom iterator for the creation of a new lattice""" radiate = False for elem in self: attrs = elem_modify(elem) if attrs is not None: elem = elem.copy() elem.update(attrs) if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True yield elem params["_radiation"] = radiate if copy: return Lattice(lattice_copy, iterator=self.attrs_filter, **kwargs) else: lattice_modify(**kwargs)
def _set_6d(self, enable: bool, *args, **kwargs): """Set the lattice radiation state""" def lattice_modify(): """Modifies the Lattice in place""" radiate = False for elem in self: new_pass = getpass(elem) if new_pass: elem.set_longt_motion(enable, new_pass=new_pass, **vargs) if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True self._radiation = radiate self.update(kwargs) def lattice_copy(params): """Custom iterator for the creation of a new lattice""" radiate = False for elem in self: new_pass = getpass(elem) if new_pass: elem = elem.set_longt_motion( enable, new_pass=new_pass, copy=True, **vargs ) if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True yield elem params["_radiation"] = radiate cp = kwargs.pop("copy", False) if len(args) > 0: def getpass(elem): return "auto" if isinstance(elem, args) else None if not all(issubclass(cl, elt.LongtMotion) for cl in args): raise TypeError("All arguments must be subclasses of 'LongtMotion'") if len(kwargs) > 0: raise AtError("No keyword is allowed in this mode") else: def getpass(elem): for eltype, psm in pass_table: if isinstance(elem, eltype): return psm return None def passm(key, eltype, def_pass): if allset: def_pass = all_pass return eltype, kwargs.pop(key, def_pass) # Look for global defaults try: all_pass = kwargs.pop("all_pass") except KeyError: allset = False else: allset = True # Build table of PassMethods pass_table = [passm(*defs) for defs in _DEFAULT_PASS[enable]] vargs = {"energy":} if enable else {} if cp: return Lattice(lattice_copy, iterator=self.attrs_filter, **kwargs) else: lattice_modify() # noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] def enable_6d(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice | None: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences r""" enable_6d(elem_class[, elem_class]..., copy=False) enable_6d(cavity_pass='auto'[, dipole_pass='auto']..., copy=False) Turn longitudinal motion on. By default, turn on radiation in dipoles and quadrupoles, turn on RF cavities, activates collective effects and other elements acting on momentum. Modify the lattice in-place or creates a new lattice, depending on the ``copy`` keyword argument. **Syntax using positional arguments:** Parameters: elem_class: :py:class:`.LongtMotion` subclass. Longitudinal motion is turned on for elements which are instances of any given ``elem_class``. In adition to single element classes, a few grouping classes are available: * :py:class:`.LongtMotion`: all elements possibly acting on momentum, * :py:class:`.Radiative`: default radiative elements: :py:class:`.Dipole`, :py:class:`.Quadrupole`, :py:class:`.Wiggler`, * :py:class:`.Collective`: all elements dealing with collective effects. The default PassMethod conversion is used, as with the ``'auto'`` keyword value.. **No keyword except** ``copy`` **is allowed in this syntax.** **Syntax using keyword arguments:** Keyword arguments: all_pass: PassMethod overloading the default values for all elements (:py:obj:`None` or 'auto') cavity_pass='auto': PassMethod set on cavities dipole_pass='auto': PassMethod set on dipoles quadrupole_pass='auto': PassMethod set on quadrupoles wiggler_pass='auto': PassMethod set on wigglers sextupole_pass=None: PassMethod set on sextupoles octupole_pass=None: PassMethod set on octupoles multipole_pass=None : PassMethod set on higher order multipoles collective_pass='auto': PassMethod set on collective effect elements (:py:class:`.WakeElement`,...) diffusion_pass='auto': PassMethod set on :py:class:`.QuantumDiffusion` copy=False: If :py:obj:`False`, the modification is done in-place, If ``True``, return a shallow copy of the lattice. Only the radiating elements are copied with PassMethod modified. .. Caution:: a shallow copy means that all non-modified elements are shared with the original lattice. Any further modification will affect both lattices. For PassMethod names, the convention is: * :py:obj:`None`: No change * 'auto': Use the default conversion (replace \*Pass by \*RadPass) * anything else: set as the new PassMethod Examples: >>> ring.enable_6d() Modify `ring` in-place, turn cavities ON, turn synchrotron radiation ON in Dipoles and Quadrupoles, turn collective effects ON. >>> ring.enable_6d(at.RFCavity, at.Radiative) Modify `ring` in-place, turn cavities ON, turn synchrotron radiation ON in dipoles and quadupoles. >>> newring = ring.enable_6d(at.Collective, copy=True) Returns a new lattice with collective effects turned ON and nothing else changed >>> newring = ring.enable_6d(all_pass=None, collective_pass="auto", copy=True) Same as the previous example, using the keyword syntax. See Also: :py:meth:`disable_6d`, :py:attr:`is_6d`. """ return self._set_6d(True, *args, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] def disable_6d(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice | None: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences r""" disable_6d(elem_class[, elem_class]... , copy=False) disable_6d(cavity_pass='auto'[, dipole_pass='auto']..., copy=False) Turn longitudinal motion off. By default, remove all longitudinal motion. Modify the lattice in-place or creates a new lattice, depending on the ``copy`` keyword argument. **Syntax using positional arguments:** Parameters: elem_class: :py:class:`.LongtMotion` subclass. Longitudinal motion is turned off for elements which are instances of any given ``elem_class``. In adition to single element classes, a few grouping classes are available: * :py:class:`.LongtMotion`: all elements possibly acting on momentum, * :py:class:`.Radiative`: default radiative elements: :py:class:`.Dipole`, :py:class:`.Quadrupole`, :py:class:`.Wiggler`, * :py:class:`.Collective`: all elements dealing with collective effects. The default PassMethod conversion is used, as with the ``'auto'`` keyword value. **No keyword except** ``copy`` **is allowed in this syntax.** **Syntax using keyword arguments:** Keyword arguments: all_pass: PassMethod overloading the default values for all elements (:py:obj:`None` or 'auto') cavity_pass='auto': PassMethod set on cavities dipole_pass='auto': PassMethod set on dipoles quadrupole_pass=auto: PassMethod set on quadrupoles wiggler_pass='auto': PassMethod set on wigglers sextupole_pass='auto': PassMethod set on sextupoles octupole_pass='auto': PassMethod set on octupoles multipole_pass='auto': PassMethod set on higher order multipoles collective_pass='auto': PassMethod set on collective effect elements (:py:class:`.WakeElement`,...) diffusion_pass='auto': PassMethod set on :py:class:`.QuantumDiffusion` copy=False: If :py:obj:`False`, the modification is done in-place, If ``True``, return a shallow copy of the lattice. Only the radiating elements are copied with PassMethod modified. .. Caution:: a shallow copy means that all non-modified elements are shared with the original lattice. Any further modification will affect both lattices. For PassMethod names, the convention is: * :py:obj:`None`: no change * 'auto': Use the default conversion (replace \*RadPass by \*Pass) * anything else: set as the new PassMethod Examples: >>> ring.disable_6d() Modify `ring` in-place, turn OFF everything affecting the longitudinal momentum. >>> ring.disable_6d(at.RFCavity) Turn cavities OFF (nothing else modified). >>> ring.disable_6d(all_pass=None, cavity_pass="auto") Same as the previous example, but using the keyword syntax. >>> newring = ring.disable_6d(cavity_pass=None, copy=True) Return a new Lattice (shallow copy of `ring`) with everything turned OFF except RF cavities. >>> newring = ring.disable_6d( ... all_pass=None, sextupole_pass="DriftPass", copy=True ... ) Return a new Lattice (shallow copy of `ring`) with sextupoles turned into Drifts (turned off) and everything else unchangedd. See Also: :py:meth:`enable_6d`, :py:attr:`is_6d`. """ return self._set_6d(False, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sbreak(self, break_s, break_elems=None, **kwargs): """Insert elements at selected locations in the lattice Parameters: break_s: location or array of locations of breakpoints break_elems: elements to be inserted at breakpoints (array of elements as long as break_s or single element duplicated as necessary). Default: Marker('sbreak') Returns: newring: A new lattice with new elements inserted at breakpoints """ def sbreak_iterator(_, itmk): """Iterate over elements and breaks where necessary""" def next_mk(): """Extract the next element to insert""" try: return next(itmk) except StopIteration: return sys.float_info.max, None s_end = 0.0 # get the 1st insertion smk, mk = next_mk() # skip all insertions at negative break_s, if any while smk < s_end: smk, mk = next_mk() for elem in self: s_end += elem.Length # loop over all insertions within the element while smk < s_end: frac = (s_end - smk) / elem.Length if frac < 1.0: # breakpoint is within the element el0, elem = elem.divide([1.0 - frac, frac]) yield el0 yield mk smk, mk = next_mk() yield elem # set default insertion if break_elems is None: break_elems = elt.Marker("sbreak") break_elems = np.reshape(break_elems, -1) # Check element lengths if not all(e.Length == 0 for e in break_elems): warnings.warn( AtWarning("Inserting elements with length!=0 may change the lattice"), stacklevel=2, ) # broadcast break_s and break_elems to arrays of same size # and create an iterator over the elements to be inserted iter_mk = zip(*np.broadcast_arrays(break_s, break_elems)) return Lattice(sbreak_iterator, iter_mk, iterator=self.attrs_filter, **kwargs)
[docs] def reduce(self, **kwargs) -> Lattice: """Removes all elements with an ``IdentityPass`` PassMethod and merges compatible consecutive elements. The "reduced" lattice has the same optics as the original one, but fewer elements. Compatible elements must have the same ``PolynomA``, ``PolynomB`` and bending radius, so that the optics is preserved. But magnet misalignments are not preserved, so this method should be applied to lattices without errors. Keyword Args: keep (Refpts): Keep the selected elements, even with ``IdentityPass`` PassMethod. Default: keep :py:class:`.Monitor` and :py:class:`.RFCavity` elements """ def reduce_filter(_, itelem): try: elem = next(itelem).copy() except StopIteration: return for nxt in itelem: try: elem.merge(nxt) except TypeError: yield elem elem = nxt.copy() yield elem kp = get_bool_index(self, lambda el: el.PassMethod != "IdentityPass") try: keep = get_bool_index(self, kwargs.pop("keep")) except KeyError: keep = get_bool_index(self, checktype((elt.Monitor, elt.RFCavity))) return Lattice( reduce_filter, | keep), iterator=self.attrs_filter, **kwargs )
[docs] def replace(self, refpts: Refpts, **kwargs) -> Lattice: """Return a shallow copy of the lattice replacing the selected elements by a deep copy Parameters: refpts: element selector """ check = get_bool_index(self, refpts) elems = (el.deepcopy() if ok else el for el, ok in zip(self, check)) return Lattice(elem_generator, elems, iterator=self.attrs_filter, **kwargs)
# Obsolete methods kept for compatibility
[docs] def radiation_on(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice | None: """Obsolete. Turn longitudinal motion on The function name is misleading, since the function deals with longitudinal motion in general. For this reason **the method is obsolete** and replaced by :py:meth:`.enable_6d` See Also: :py:meth:`.enable_6d` """ kwargs.update(zip(("cavity_pass", "dipole_pass", "quadrupole_pass"), args)) return self._set_6d(True, **kwargs)
[docs] def radiation_off(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Lattice | None: """Obsolete. Turn longitudinal motion off The function name is misleading, since the function deals with longitudinal motion in general. For this reason **the method is obsolete** and replaced by :py:meth:`.disable_6d` See Also: :py:meth:`disable_6d` """ kwargs.update(zip(("cavity_pass", "dipole_pass", "quadrupole_pass"), args)) return self._set_6d(False, **kwargs)
@property def radiation(self) -> bool: """Obsolete (see :py:attr:`is_6d` instead) :meta private: """ try: return self._radiation except AttributeError: radiate = False for elem in self: if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True break # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self._radiation = radiate return radiate
[docs] def lattice_filter(params, lattice): """Copy lattice parameters and run through all lattice elements Parameters: params: Dictionary of Lattice attributes lattice: Input ``Lattice`` Yields: lattice ``Elements`` """ return lattice.attrs_filter(params, elem_generator, lattice)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def elem_generator(params, elems: Iterable[Element]) -> Iterable[Element]: """Run through all elements without any check Parameters: params: Dictionary of Lattice attributes elems: Iterable of lattice ``Elements`` Yields: lattice ``Elements`` """ return elems
no_filter: Filter = elem_generator # provided for backward compatibility
[docs] def type_filter(params, elems: Iterable[Element]) -> Generator[Element, None, None]: """Run through all elements and check element validity. Analyse elements for radiation state Parameters: params: Dictionary of Lattice attributes elems: Iterable of lattice ``Elements`` Yields: lattice ``Elements`` """ radiate = False for idx, elem in enumerate(elems): if isinstance(elem, Element): if elem.longt_motion: radiate = True yield elem else: warnings.warn( AtWarning(f"item {idx} ({elem}) is not an AT element: " "ignored"), stacklevel=2, ) params["_radiation"] = radiate
[docs] def params_filter(params, elem_filter: Filter, *args) -> Generator[Element, None, None]: """Run through all elements, looking for energy and periodicity. Remove the Energy attribute of non-radiating elements Parameters: params: Dictionary of Lattice attributes elem_filter: Next ``Elements`` filter args: Arguments forwarded to **elem_filter** Yields: lattice ``Elements`` The following keys in ``params`` are set: * ``_length`` * ``periodicity`` * ``energy`` (optional) * ``_frequency`` (optional) * ``harmonic_number`` (optional) energy is taken from: 1) The params dictionary 2) Cavity elements 3) Any other element periodicity is taken from: 1) The params dictionary 2) if periodicity <= 0, from the sum of the bending angles of magnets """ el_energies = [] thetas = [] cavities = [] cell_length = 0 for elem in elem_filter(params, *args): if isinstance(elem, elt.RFCavity): cavities.append(elem) elif hasattr(elem, "Energy"): el_energies.append(elem.Energy) del elem.Energy if isinstance(elem, elt.Dipole): thetas.append(elem.BendingAngle) cell_length += getattr(elem, "Length", 0.0) yield elem params["_length"] = cell_length cav_energies = [el.Energy for el in cavities if hasattr(el, "Energy")] if cavities: cavities.sort(key=lambda el: el.Frequency) c0 = cavities[0] params.setdefault("harmonic_number", getattr(c0, "HarmNumber", math.nan)) # params['_harmnumber'] = getattr(c0, 'HarmNumber', math.nan) params["_frequency"] = getattr(c0, "Frequency", None) if "energy" not in params: energies = cav_energies or el_energies if energies: # Guess energy from the Energy attribute of the elements energy = params.setdefault("energy", max(energies)) if min(energies) < max(energies): warnings.warn( AtWarning( "Inconsistent energy values, " f'"energy" set to {energy}' ), stacklevel=2, ) if params.setdefault("periodicity", 1) <= 0: # Guess periodicity from the bending angles of the lattice try: nbp = 2.0 * np.pi / sum(thetas) except ZeroDivisionError: periodicity = 1 warnings.warn( AtWarning('No bending in the cell, set "Periodicity" to 1'), stacklevel=2, ) else: periodicity = int(round(nbp)) if abs(periodicity - nbp) > _TWO_PI_ERROR: warnings.warn( AtWarning(f"Non-integer number of cells: {nbp} -> {periodicity}"), stacklevel=2, ) params["periodicity"] = periodicity
Lattice.get_uint32_index = get_uint32_index Lattice.get_bool_index = get_bool_index Lattice.refcount = _refcount Lattice.set_shift = set_shift Lattice.set_tilt = set_tilt Lattice.get_elements = get_elements Lattice.get_s_pos = get_s_pos = refpts_iterator Lattice.get_value_refpts = get_value_refpts Lattice.set_value_refpts = set_value_refpts Lattice.get_geometry = get_geometry