Collection of functions to fit various global parameters
such as the tune and the chromaticity
from typing import Optional
import numpy
from ..lattice import Lattice, Refpts
from ..lattice import get_value_refpts, set_value_refpts
from ..lattice import AtWarning, AtError
from ..physics import get_tune, get_chrom
__all__ = ['fit_tune', 'fit_chrom']
def _set_magnets(ring, refpts, attname, delta, index=None,
increment=True, regex=False, scaling=False):
if scaling:
val0 = get_value_refpts(ring, refpts, attname, index=index,
set_value_refpts(ring, refpts, attname, val0*(1+delta/numpy.mean(val0)),
index=index, regex=regex)
set_value_refpts(ring, refpts, attname, delta, index=index,
increment=True, regex=regex)
def _get_tune(ring: Lattice, dp: float, **kwargs):
get_integer = kwargs.pop('fit_integer', False)
return get_tune(ring, dp=dp, get_integer=get_integer)[0:2]
def _get_chrom(ring: Lattice, dp: float, **kwargs):
return get_chrom(ring, dp=dp)[0:2]
def _fit_tune_chrom(ring: Lattice, index: int, func,
refpts1: Refpts, refpts2: Refpts, newval,
tol: Optional[float] = 1.0e-12,
dp: Optional[float] = 0, niter: Optional[int] = 3,
delta: Optional[float] = None,
regex=False, scaling=False, **kwargs):
def _get_resp(ring: Lattice, index: int, func, refpts, attname,
delta, dp, regex=False, scaling=False, **kwargs):
_set_magnets(ring, refpts, attname, delta, index=index,
increment=True, regex=regex, scaling=scaling)
datap = func(ring, dp, **kwargs)
_set_magnets(ring, refpts, attname, -2*delta, index=index,
increment=True, regex=regex, scaling=scaling)
datan = func(ring, dp, **kwargs)
_set_magnets(ring, refpts, attname, delta, index=index,
increment=True, regex=regex, scaling=scaling)
data = numpy.subtract(datap, datan)/(2*delta)
return data
def _fit(ring, index, func, refpts1, refpts2, newval, J,
dp: Optional[float] = 0, regex=False, **kwargs):
val = func(ring, dp, **kwargs)
dk = numpy.linalg.solve(J, numpy.subtract(newval, val))
_set_magnets(ring, refpts1, 'PolynomB', dk[0], index=index,
increment=True, regex=regex, scaling=scaling)
_set_magnets(ring, refpts2, 'PolynomB', dk[1], index=index,
increment=True, regex=regex, scaling=scaling)
val = func(ring, dp, **kwargs)
sumsq = numpy.sum(numpy.square(numpy.subtract(val, newval)))
return sumsq
if delta is None:
delta = 1.e-6 * 10 ** index
dq1 = _get_resp(ring, index, func, refpts1, 'PolynomB',
delta, dp, regex=regex, **kwargs)
dq2 = _get_resp(ring, index, func, refpts2, 'PolynomB',
delta, dp, regex=regex, **kwargs)
J = [[dq1[0], dq2[0]], [dq1[1], dq2[1]]]
n = 0
sumsq = tol+1
print('Initial value', func(ring, dp, **kwargs))
while sumsq > tol and n < niter:
sumsq = _fit(ring, index, func, refpts1, refpts2, newval,
J, dp=dp, regex=regex, **kwargs)
print('iter#', n, 'Res.', sumsq)
n += 1
print('Final value', func(ring, dp, **kwargs), '\n')
def fit_tune(ring: Lattice, refpts1: Refpts, refpts2: Refpts, newval,
tol: float = 1.0e-12,
dp: Optional[float] = 0, niter: int = 3, regex=False,
KStep: Optional[float] = None,
**kwargs) -> None:
"""Fits the tunes using 2 families
ring: Lattice description
refpts1: Selection of the 1st family
refpts2: Selection of the 2nd family
newval: New tunes, in case an non-zero integer part
is provided, fit_integer is set to True
Keyword arguments:
tol: Tolerance for the matching; Default: 1.0e-12
dp: Momentum deviation. Default: 0
niter: Maximum number of iterations. Default 3
fit_integer: bool (default=False), use integer tune
regex: Using regular expressions for refpt string matching;
Default: False
KStep: gradient variation applied to magnets. Default 1e-5
scaling: Scales the families instead of incrementing.
Default False
Typical usage:
at.fit_tune(ring, refpts1, refpts2, [0.1,0.25])
print('\nFitting Tune...')
if numpy.any(numpy.floor(newval) != 0.0):
kwargs['fit_integer'] = True
_fit_tune_chrom(ring, 1, _get_tune, refpts1, refpts2, newval, tol=tol,
dp=dp, niter=niter, regex=regex, delta=KStep, **kwargs)
def fit_chrom(ring: Lattice, refpts1: Refpts, refpts2: Refpts, newval,
tol: Optional[float] = 1.0e-12,
dp: Optional[float] = 0, niter: Optional[int] = 3, regex=False,
HStep: Optional[float] = None,
**kwargs) -> None:
"""Fit the chromaticities using 2 families
ring: Lattice description
refpts1: Selection of the 1st family
refpts2: Selection of the 2nd family
newval: New tunes
Keyword arguments:
tol: Tolerance for the matching; Default: 1.0e-12
dp: Momentum deviation. Default: 0
niter: Maximum number of iterations. Default 3
regex: Using regular expressions for refpt string matching;
Default: False
HStep: gradient variation applied to magnets. Default 1e-4
scaling: Scales the families instead of incrementing them.
Default False
Typical usage:
at.fit_chrom(ring, refpts1, refpts2, [10,5])
print('\nFitting Chromaticity...')
_fit_tune_chrom(ring, 2, _get_chrom, refpts1, refpts2, newval, tol=tol,
dp=dp, niter=niter, regex=regex, delta=HStep, **kwargs)