
Variables are references to scalar attributes of lattice elements. There are 2 kinds of element variables:

  • an ElementVariable is associated to an element object, and acts on all occurences of this object. But it will not affect any copy, neither shallow nor deep, of the original object,

  • a RefptsVariable is not associated to an element object, but to an element location in a Lattice. It acts on any copy of the initial lattice. A ring argument must be provided to the set and get methods to identify the lattice, which may be a possibly modified copy of the original lattice


RefptsVariable(refpts, attrname[, index])

A reference to a scalar attribute of Lattice elements.

ElementVariable(elements, attrname[, index])

A reference to a scalar attribute of Lattice elements.

class ElementVariable(elements, attrname, index=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: VariableBase

A reference to a scalar attribute of Lattice elements.

It can refer to:

  • a scalar attribute or

  • an element of an array attribute

of one or several Elements of a lattice.

An ElementVariable is associated to an element object, and acts on all occurrences of this object. But it will not affect any copy, neither shallow nor deep, of the original object.

  • elements (Union[Element, Sequence[Element]]) – Element or Sequence[Element] whose attribute is varied

  • attrname (str) – Attribute name

  • index (Optional[int]) – Index in the attribute array. Use None for scalar attributes

Keyword Arguments:
  • name (str) – Name of the Variable. Default: ''

  • bounds (tuple[float, float]) – Lower and upper bounds of the variable value. Default: (-inf, inf)

  • delta (float) – Step. Default: 1.0

property elements#

Return the set of elements acted upon by the variable

class RefptsVariable(refpts, attrname, index=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: VariableBase

A reference to a scalar attribute of Lattice elements.

It can refer to:

  • a scalar attribute or

  • an element of an array attribute

of one or several Elements of a lattice.

A RefptsVariable is not associated to element objets themselves, but to the location of these elements in a lattice. So a RefptsVariable will act equally on any copy of the initial ring. As a consequence, a ring keyword argument (Lattice object) must be supplied for getting or setting the variable.

  • refpts (Refpts) – Location of variable Elements

  • attrname (str) – Attribute name

  • index (Optional[int]) – Index in the attribute array. Use None for scalar attributes

Keyword Arguments:
  • name (str) – Name of the Variable. Default: ''

  • bounds (tuple[float, float]) – Lower and upper bounds of the variable value. Default: (-inf, inf)

  • delta (float) – Step. Default: 1.0

  • ring (Lattice) – If specified, it is used to get and store the initial value of the variable. Otherwise, the initial value is set to None