Conversion utilities for creating pyat elements
Build a set of all Element subclasses
element_from_dict(elem_dict, index=None, check=True, quiet=False)[source]
Builds an Element
from a dictionary of attributes
- Parameters:
elem_dict (dict) – Dictionary of element attributes
index (int | None) – Element index
check (bool) – Check the compatibility of class and PassMethod
quiet (bool) – Suppress the warning for non-standard classes
- Returns:
elem (Element) – new Element
element_to_dict(elem, encoder=<function _no_encoder>)[source]
Convert a Element
to a dict
- Parameters:
- Returns:
dct (dict) – Dictionary of Element
find_class(elem_dict, quiet=False, index=None)[source]
Deduce the class of an element from its attributes
find_class looks first at the “Class” field, if existing. It then tries to deduce
the class from “FamName”, from “PassMethod”, and finally form the element contents.
- Parameters:
elem_dict (dict) – The dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the
Element constructor.
quiet (bool) – Suppress the warning for non-standard classes
index (int | None) – Element index in the lattice
- Returns:
element_class – The guessed Class name
Remove Lattice attributes which must not be saved on file
Remove the ‘RingParam’ Marker
protect(string, fence=('"', '"'), *, placeholder='placeholder')[source]
restore(replmatch, *parts)[source]
split_ignoring_parentheses(string, delimiter=',', fence=('\\(', '\\)'), maxsplit=-1)[source]
Split a string while keeping protected expressions intact
Example: “l=0,hom(4,0.0,0)” -> [“l=0”, “hom(4,0.0,0)”]